April 01, 2016


I thought this post should be about Kali-Linux. Because I wanted to install kali in a virtualbox on my MacBook. But it turns out that the rTorrent port cannot build out of the box using the macport-gcc-4.8 compiler. There is a port ticket discussing this issue.

So, instead of installing and configuring Kali, I ended up fixing the compiler issues on the Portfiles for libtorrent and rTorrent locally on my box.

Yes I know I could download Kali using http. But that download takes forever (+ 5hours)! So, fixing and downloading using rTorrent seems to be way faster.

First the Portfiles for libtorrent and rTorrent needs to be updated with the macports-gcc-4.9 compiler, this is done by:

$ echo "config.compiler   macports-gcc-4.9" >> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/tarballs/ports/net/libtorrent/Portfile 
$echo "config.compiler   macports-gcc-4.9" >> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/tarballs/ports/net/rtorrent/Portfile

The command appends the compiler configuration to thePportfiles. Once, the files are 'patched' the ports can be installed using:

$ sudo port install rtorrent

Rtorrent must be configured, there's tons of information on configuration else where. I simply created a rtorrent session directory, and added my download and session directories to the ~/.rtorrent.rc file.

$ mkdir ~/Downloads/rtorrent_session

Edit (create) the rtorrent.rc file using you favorite editor.

$ emacs ~/.rtorrent.rc

Just add the following content, changing the session and directory entries to the folders you decided to use.

port_range = 26000-26999
directory = ~/Downloads/
session = ~/Downloads/rtorrent_session/
encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry

In rTorrent you can add torrents from within the running client. But it is way easier to just throw the torrent file as an argument on the command line, (besides I only needed the one torrent).

$ rtorrent ~/Downloads/kali-linux-2016.1-amd64.torrent 

The downloads starts, and once it finishes simly press ^q (ctrl + q) in the rTorrent window and the program quit. The files you downloaded should be present in the specified download folder. Don't forget to check the sha1sum, to verify you got the corrent file. Jump (cd) into the download directory and execute:

$ shasum -a 1 -c kali-linux-2016.1-amd64.txt.sha1sum kali-linux-2016.1-amd64.iso: OK

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